Undoubtedly, the Covid-19 pandemic has shone a light on the good and the bad in today’s society. While governments and the private sector collaborated to protect jobs, develop lifesaving vaccines and roll these out to millions, pre-existing inequalities – social and economic – have been exacerbated.
2020 saw poverty increase for the first time in decades, and women have consistently been hit hardest by the pandemic fallout, putting back years of progress towards greater gender equality. Rightly, the expectations we have of leadership, including corporate leaders, has grown in response. It is also evident that sustainability considerations are impacting companies’ business opportunities, revenues, costs, risks, employee engagement and, ultimately, their market valuations.
In our 2021 Annual Report, we reflect on how we target both traditional financial performance goals and positive and environmental change by engaging with companies to help deliver the SDGs. What progress did we achieve over the last year? And how has the Fund fared since its inception?
To find out more, read the full 2021 Annual Report.