Sustainability. We mean it.


Jaagrit Randhawa

Jaagrit Randhawa

Sectors: Financial Services, Pharmaceuticals, Oil and Gas, Transportation

Jaagrit supports and leads engagements in Financial Services, Pharmaceuticals, Oil and Gas, and Transportation sectors with a special focus on Human Rights and Climate Change themes. Before joining the stewardship team at EOS, she was at a leading Pittsburgh non-profit working to increase healthy food access in areas suffering from systemic inequities. In prior roles, Jaagrit worked with the Motley Fool Foundation where she conducted market research on financial resilience in Americans and before that was with Vanguard providing financial education to retirement plan participants. She holds Bachelor's degrees from Penn State University in both Marketing and Applied Spanish and also has a minor in Sustainability Leadership. She is fluent in Punjabi, English, Hindi and proficient in Spanish.