As the sustainability landscape evolves so does the innovative approaches and tools of the Federated Hermes Global Equities team
In the first part of our sustainability series, we present the Global Equities’ team new sustainability assessment framework and discuss how we leverage our in-house engagement insights to improve appraisal.
Key points
- Through our innovative tools and approaches as well as our pioneering research, we continue to evolve and advance best practice in the way that we evaluate ESG risk and sustainability.
- We have constructed a framework for evaluating a company’s capacity to facilitate Sustainable Wealth Creation while minimising Sustainable Wealth Destruction.
- This framework lays the foundations of our proprietary Sustainable Opportunities Score, a quantitative measure of our sustainability assessment that aims to systematically identify companies that are best placed to benefit from the ever-increasing number of sustainable growth opportunities.
Introducing our Sustainability Assessment Framework
Risk profile
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Targets cannot be guaranteed. The value of investments and income from them may go down as well as up, and you may not get back the original amount invested.
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