Unsere Zielsetzung, unsere Kultur, unsere Geschichte
Verantwortungsvolle Vermögensbildung als einziges Ziel
Aiming to deliver enduring wealth creation by investing responsibly
Sustainable Global Equity
Harnessing investor capital to change companies for good, from within
Hamish is the Head of the Small & Mid Cap team, which he has led since its creation in 2007. He joined in 1995 as co-manager of the UK smaller companies strategies and served as lead manager from January 1997 to April 2010. Since the founding of the team, Hamish has gradually assumed a more global perspective, with oversight of the holdings across all of the team's strategies, and he is now lead manager of the Global Small Cap strategy. In December 2017, he launched the SDG Engagement Equity strategy and became lead portfolio manager in the process. He has a background in credit, having started his career in the energy and natural resources division of NatWest Bank, and later moving to Bankers Trust as a credit analyst covering European corporates. He has a BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering from Nottingham University and is a former director of the Hermes Group (DB) pension scheme. Hamish also sits on the Governance Group that monitors the company’s (DC) pension scheme.