Un leader de l'investissement actif responsable

Nous sommes guidés par la conviction que l’investissement responsable est le meilleur moyen de créer de la richesse à long terme.

Nous recherchons la surperformance avec des résultats positifs, l’objectif étant de permettre à toutes nos parties prenantes de se constituer un patrimoine durable, en investissant de manière responsable.

Important note: We have received reports of firms impersonating Federated Hermes companies using our name and/or our branding. Please be aware of companies with similar sounding names, as they may not be legitimately connected to Federated Hermes. Federated Hermes does not operate online trading platforms or VIP trading accounts.


What’s up with the yellow metal?


EOS Stewardship Report 2023


Federated Hermes Expands APAC Sales Team With Strategic Appointment in Japan

Notre activité :

$ 0 mld
actifs sous gestion

PRI rating for Policy Governance, Fixed Income and Real Estate*

$ 0 tn
d’actifs sous conseil

Les performances passées ne constituent pas un indicateur fiable des résultats futurs.

Source: Federated Hermes as at 31 March 2024. Please note, the total AUM figure includes US$58.9bn managed by Federated Hermes Limited, of which US$7.6bn of assets are managed or under an advisory agreement by Hermes GPE LLP (“Hermes GPE”). US$127.6m of total group AUM figure represents Federated Hermes Limited mandates under advice. *In 2023, FHL received 5 stars in the Policy Governance and Strategy, Fixed Income Corporate, Fixed Income Securitised, Fixed Income Private Debt, Real Estate and Infrastructure modules. We scored 4 stars on the Listed Equity – Active Quantitative, Listed Equity – Active Fundamental, Fixed Income SSA, Private Equity and Confidence Building Measures modules.

Nos propositions d’investissement

Grâce à nos capacités mondiales et à notre gestion active sur tous les marchés publics et privés, nous offrons de nombreux parcours vers un investissement durable et responsable.


Nos experts en investissement, en engagement et en sensibilisation sont des leaders du secteur en matière de pratiques et de philosophie.

Saker Nusseibeh, CBE

CBE – CEO, Federated Hermes Limited
Saker is CEO of the Federated Hermes Limited, appointed November 2011, having joined in June 2009 as CIO. He is also a member of the Federated Hermes Executive team.

Mitch Reznick, CFA

Head of Sustainable Fixed Income, Federated Hermes Limited

Louise Dudley, CFA

Portfolio Manager, Global Equities, Federated Hermes Limited

Lisa Lange

Sectors: Transportation (Lead), Consumer Goods, Retail & Consumer Services and Industrials
Lisa Lange focusses on engagement with companies in Europe and leads EOS work on pollution, waste and the circular economy. Prior to joining EOS, she worked as a sustainability consultant in London and was a research fellow at the Institute for Managing Sustainability at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Lisa holds a Master of Science in Nature, Society & Environmental Policy from the University of Oxford and an MA with honours in International Relations from the University of Edinburgh with a focus on climate ethics. Lisa speaks English and German.

Lewis Grant

Senior Portfolio Manager, Global Equities, Federated Hermes Limited

Leon Kamhi

Head of Responsibility and EOS, Federated Hermes Limited

Les trois parcours de la constitution d’un patrimoine durable et responsable

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Engagement actionnarial

Depuis 1983, nous guidons l’évolution des meilleures pratiques d’engagement actionnarial. Nous sommes actuellement l’un des plus grands fournisseurs de services d’engagement au monde.

Three plants in vases

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