Notre objectif, notre culture et notre histoire
From day one to the present, enduring, responsible wealth creation has been our sole purpose
L’investissement responsable en action
Harnessing investor capital to change companies for good, from within
Shaping the conversation on responsible investing.
Chris is a Development Director at MEPC and Commercial Director for Silverstone Park. Chris has direct responsibility for the delivery of MEPC’s thematic investment at Silverstone Park and also MEPC’s urban regeneration scheme in Bristol, St Mary le Port. In addition, Chris’ team is responsible for capital projects at Milton Park, Oxfordshire. Chris originally joined MEPC in 2008 and was Head of Development when he left in 2015. Chris re-joined MEPC 2019 and over his combined time with the company has delivered over 2million sq ft of development and refurbishments across a range of sectors including life sciences, offices, industrial and retail. Chris specializes in place-making and was intimately involved in MEPC’s acquisition of Silverstone in 2013 and is now close to overseeing the delivery of over 1million sq ft of space there. Chris has delivered numerous laboratory projects both speculative and directly for end-users across a range of science. Chris is a member of the MEPC Senior Management Team and previously has served as Chairman of the Judging panel for BCO South West region. As such, Chris is focussed on delivering quality environments and user experiences and how these can be delivered in the context of investor performance and the requirement to achieve Net Zero Carbon