Durable. Notre engagement.


Tim Youmans

Tim Youmans

Lead: North America. Sectors: Financial Services, Industrials & Capital Goods, Technology

Tim Youmans leads EOS North America engagement. Previously he was research director for the Strategic Investor Initiative at CECP – Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose. Tim has been a research scholar at Harvard Business School and the MIT Sloan School’s Family Office Program. He continues to work closely with Oxford Said Business School professor Robert G Eccles. Their research including the statement of purpose, materiality, director fiduciary duty and on other topics including why companies need to start sharing their long-term strategy with investors, was featured in the Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, Forbes, the Financial Times, and the Guardian among others. He is currently on the Council of Institutional Investors Corporate Governance Advisory Council and the ESG advisory board of US law firm Grant & Eisenhofer. Tim has a Masters in Public Administration and is a Lucius N Littauer Fellow from the Harvard Kennedy School, as well as a research fellow of the British Academy’s Future Corporation Initiative. He spent 25 years in business running his own consulting firms, as executive vice president of a venture-funded start-up and running a large family office. He received an MBA from the University of Southern Maine and a Bachelor of Science in Management from the United States Coast Guard Academy. He was retired from the Coast Guard after serving both afloat and ashore in Alaska, Washington DC and Maine, and is a service-disabled military veteran.