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UK Stewardship Code

FHL and EOS at Federated Hermes successfully renew signatory status

7 September 2022
Federated Hermes Limited and EOS at Federated Hermes (EOS) are proud to each retain their status as signatories to the UK Stewardship Code, following an announcement by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC).

Following the publication of the UK’s updated Stewardship Code in 2020, formal independent assessments by the FRC were established to evaluate which firms were meeting the requirements to become a signatory. The assessments require signatories to compile a detailed annual report on their stewardship policies, processes, and activities and outcomes for a 12-month reporting period and include asset managers, asset owners and stewardship providers. Both Federated Hermes Limited and EOS submitted successful reports covering the 2021 period.

The reports included high-level updates on efforts being made towards effective and outcome-driven stewardship, collaborative engagements and responses to market-wide and systemic risks, as well as the engagement, voting recommendations, public policy, screening and advisory work carried out by EOS on behalf of its clients.

Federated Hermes has a strong track record of stewardship and advocacy, having played an integral role in the development of and later becoming a founding signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment in 2006. It acts as chair for the UK chapter of the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) as well as a member of the FCA-PRA Climate Financial Risk Forum. The business engaged extensively with the FRC during its revision process of the UK Stewardship Code, helping to shape a rigorous and ambitious Code demonstrative of the UK as leaders in the field.

Leon Kamhi, Head of Responsibility and EOS at Federated Hermes Limited said: « At Federated Hermes we believe the investment industry can create long term sustainable wealth for investors by being a powerful force for good, building a fairer, more equitable world for all – and that active stewardship and engagement is a key component of achieving this.

« Stewardship is a central component to our business, and so we are extremely pleased with this outcome and hope that the Code’s challenging reporting requirements will help facilitate a fundamental change across the asset management industry ».

The full reports can be found here:

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