Bonds, bullets and barbells – what happens after yield curve inversion?

While there is no single ‘right’ approach for extending portfolio duration, there are two basic ways to consider as a starting point. For example, an investor may use a barbell approach, allocating 50% to cash and 50% to an intermediate or long-duration fixed income strategy. Conversely, the investor could choose a single investment offering a […]

ECB expected to cut rates in June

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China: The Comeback Kid?

As contrarian investors, we believe it often pays to bet against the crowd. Bargains can sometimes be found where there is controversy and when performance has been poor. China has been the world’s unloved market since 2020, with 2023 marking the fourth consecutive year of losses for the Hang Seng Index. The US, by contrast, is […]

Fund Selector Masterclass – US Equities

Speakers: Fund Selector: Paul O’Neill, Chief Investment Officer, Bentley Reid Mark Sherlock, Head of US Equities, Lead Portfolio Manager, Federated Hermes Francis Radano, Senior Investment Manager, abrdn Learning outcomes: How a rate regime change is putting valuations in keener focus. Where the growth opportunities in the US are. Given the potential downside risks, is caution […]

(More) Questions Answered: Global Emerging Markets

What interesting investment themes are there for investors in EM outside Asia? I think the advantage of a global emerging market mandate is that it allows you a more diversified set of opportunities, a more diversified set of drivers for your portfolio. I think one of the things that we’ve been thinking a great deal […]

360°, Q2 2024:

Can strong technicals lead to stronger fundamentals?

Hang Seng soars as China sentiment shifts

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Emerging market debt: the strong recovery continues

EMD report Q1 2024

Your Questions Answered: Global Emerging Markets

What does ‘quality’ mean in your approach to EM equities? I think it’s important, because ‘quality’ is a word that gets bandied around a lot, to define the terms that we use when we talk about quality companies. Quality for us means a number of things in the context of investing. Does the company have […]

Korea discount: a dream deferred?

Fast reading In our opinion, the ‘Korea discount’ has deprived investors of returns, in many cases leaving them impoverished relative to the growing value of the very companies into which they have invested. We believe it has also raised the cost of capital for South Korean enterprise, reduced risk-taking and economic activity, while undermining innovation. […]