SDG Engagement Equity Q2 2024 case study

Eagle Materials

World Oceans Day: It’s time to take action

However, following centuries of treating the oceans as an inexhaustible resource, at least a third of fish stocks are depleted.1 Meanwhile microplastic pollution has become endemic, with potentially dangerous consequences for human health. In recognition of World Oceans Day last Saturday, in this article we explore the key threats to ocean health, the issues most […]

Biodiversity Equity, Interim Report, 2023-4

Fast reading Philosophy and impact overview: Our portfolio is aligned with six major biodiversity themes and 11 of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Special feature: Our biodiversity champions (and why they might not be the companies you expect). Case studies: We drill down into the team’s engagement with two key holdings: a data provider […]

A just transition

Buds in a pot

2024 Outlook

Natural capital: the call of the wild

Close-up of the veins in the leaf

2024 Outlook

Renewables: winds of change

2024 Outlook

Biodiversity investing: three drivers of alpha

For glass-half-full enthusiasts, a scan of recent headlines about the health of our planet makes for grim reading. Not only was September the warmest on record, but the northern hemisphere experienced its hottest summer since records began. Globally in 2023, the world is on track for temperatures far in excess of the long-term annual average.1 […]

Spectrum Q3 2023: No robots were harmed in the making of this report

Red light

In a 1962 collection of short stories, sci-fi sage Arthur C Clarke postulated his third law, that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Now, as we push through the second decade of the 21st century and into a future seemingly set up for AI, Clarke’s law appears more apt than ever. Through the […]

Sustainable fixed income: Five questions answered

Question one: How does engagement in fixed income work in practice? It’s a myth that engagement in the realm of fixed income is less effective than for equities. Our multi-decade experience of deep engagement with companies issuing debt illustrates this – and we have a solid track record that underlines how effective engagement can be […]

Financial inclusion and banking

A billion-person opportunity?