Emissions offset approach
For over five years Federated Hermes Limited has offset estimated levels of direct emissions ie operational and travel emissions. Prior to 2021, we purchased offsets from Trees for Cities. In 2024, to offset our 2021, 2022 and 2023 operational and travel emissions, we invested in a high-quality carbon removal project to remove a total of 4,175 tCO2 e21 in a developing country context which met our standards, while also featuring strong nature and social co-benefits.
“Miro is a West African forestry company, operating FSC-certified plantations that are a combination of sustainable timber production and conservation areas. They are an implementation provider for reforestation projects, with experience in forestry programmes and over 20,000 hectares already under management across Ghana and Sierra Leone. As the largest forestry group in West Africa, Miro’s in-country operations employ 1,500 people and have built over 200km of roads for timber operations, with more than $100m invested in the region to-date (which has lost nearly 90% of its forests to deforestation). The project we purchased credits from in Ghana is registered under the Verra Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation (“ARR”) methodology AR[1]ACM0003 and constitutes carbon removals. The project plants trees within the heavily degraded Boumfoum, Chirimfa, and Awura forest areas, as well as works with local farmers to implement agroforestry techniques for healthy soil, with the aim of establishing 12,000 hectares of sustainable plantations. We selected this project based on Miro’s forestry-specific expertise and track record in the region, ensuring continuity and success of the reforestation activities, and to support ongoing project scaling and expansion.”
- Access the formally disclosed offset.
- Access the Certificate of Verified Carbon Unit (VCU) Retirement.
FHL is not located in California. However, FHL provides this information out of an abundance of caution in the event it is deemed to be operating in California under AB-1305
Last updated 23/12/2024.