Capacity Management

Federated Hermes takes a responsible and prudent approach to managing the capacity of our strategies. We seek to protect our clients’ interests from two key perspectives by ensuring, to the extent possible, that:

  • we can continue to maximise the potential to deliver sustainable, risk adjusted performance by actively managing capacity so that our strategies’ portfolio characteristics can be maintained; and
  • Federated Hermes’ products can continue to meet their liquidity commitments to investors and the FCA’s good practice guidance for liquidity.

Capacity management is therefore key to safeguarding optimal investor outcomes.

To assist in these efforts, Capacity Management Measures (the “Measures”) may be introduced to manage the size of assets within a particular strategy. The Measures include restricting investment from new investors and imposing a Maximum Subsequent Subscription Amount (the “Daily Limit”, i.e. a limit on the maximum amount a Shareholder can subscribe in a Share Class of a fund per Dealing Day), amongst other Measures as detailed in the relevant fund documentation and this web page from time to time.

Unless the context requires otherwise, any capitalised terms used on this web page shall have the meaning attributed to them in the relevant fund’s governing documentation.

There are no capacity measures currently in place.

For any queries, please contact [email protected], or your sales contact.