Opportunities at the longer end of the commercial paper curve?

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Short Term Investments Committee

Short duration credit: ride the wave

Fast reading Bond yields have risen to such a level that the carry an investor receives in short duration debt should provide more than adequate compensation for any changes in bond prices. A global approach, trading in multiple currencies, can allow an element of arbitrage to capitalise on opportunities that may arise – between one […]

Mythos Geldmarkt: Wie Sie das Beste aus Ihrem Geld machen

Hinter den Geldmärkten verbirgt sich weit mehr, als ihr Ruf als Aufbewahrungsort für Barmittel vermuten lässt. Die Anlageform bietet Flexibilität, Diversifizierung, Schutz vor Marktvolatilität und kann bei hohen Zinssätzen überzeugende Renditen liefern. Geldmarktfonds sind ein wichtiger Nutznießer der aktuellen Wirtschaftslage, in der die Zinsen voraussichtlich noch länger hoch bleiben werden. Die anhaltende Zurückhaltung der Anleger […]

Investing in the now

It is hard to live in the present in general, but that is particularly true in business and finance as so much is predicated on what comes next. Whether it is the big ‘E’ in the equation for determining future value or the lower-case ‘e’ of the word itself, expectations rule. But in the case […]

Where are the best opportunities at the short end of the curve?

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Short Term Investments Committee

Längerfristig höhere Zinsen

Face on paper money

Ausblick 2024

The overlooked appeal of short-dated euro corporate debt


A comparison between short-dated and longer-dated investment grade euro-denominated corporate debt suggests front-end investors receive a similar yield and spread, without any deterioration in the credit fundamentals, according to our analysis. While it remains imperative to always approach each issuer on a standalone basis, we believe, the short-dated euro corporate universe provides a particularly compelling […]

Insight across the fixed income spectrum

The significant repricing of EMD risk last year provides a pronounced opportunity for attractive forward-looking total returns. Even in an environment where interest rates plateau and dip over the next year, money market funds will continue to offer attractive yields compared to recent history. Federated Hermes real estate debt strategy seeks to deliver a return […]

Not your average credit cycle

Three things we learned: Issuers are preparing for a new normal. Nothing’s written in stone but higher for longer has already profoundly affected credit market fundamentals. Dispersion could be a central theme of 2024. Short-term money markets have not witnessed significant outflows… yet. Expectations are for asset growth to continue into 2024 but will be driven by institutional […]

Up then (marginally) down again

market snapshot