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SDG Engagement High Yield Credit

2020 Annual Report

22 April 2021 |
Seeking twin objectives of strong financial performance and positive social and environmental impacts that contribute to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we launched SDG Engagement High Yield Credit in October 2019.

Building the foundation and hitting our stride: a promising, productive inaugural engagement year

When we set out on our SDG impact journey, we understood that we were pioneering something different. There are few, if any, other global high-yield strategies that aim to tackle our co-linear objectives through a combination of investing expertise, SDG impact potential and an intensive annual engagement strategy.

In 2020, despite the backdrop of the global coronavirus pandemic, we achieved our overarching goal of engaging every company in our portfolio. As of year-end, 353 engagement actions were carried out at 114 companies. Our work should enable deeper, more open dialogue and evidence-based discussion of issues with management teams and boards in 2021 and beyond.

Our annual report explores how our SDG impact investing process has evolved one year in, presents our performance, examines the topics we engaged on last year as well as the most intensely engaged SDGs, and focuses on SDG impact in the metals and telecommunications sectors.

Federated Hermes SDG Engagement High Yield Credit


Risk profile

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Targets cannot be guaranteed. The value of investments and income from them may go down as well as up, and you may not get back the original amount invested.

The holdings discussed in this report do not represent all of the securities held in the portfolio and it should not be assumed that the above securities were or will be profitable. This information does not constitute a solicitation or offer to any person to buy or sell any related securities or financial instruments.

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