Durable. Notre engagement.

360°, Q2 2023

Divergence, duration, dislocation

28 June 2023 |
In the latest edition of the 360°, our quarterly fixed income report, we provide an overview of the key themes shaping the fixed income narrative and the team’s outlook for the months ahead.
360°, Q2 2023: Divergence, duration, dislocation

During our most recent Multi-Asset Credit Strategy Meeting (MACSM), the credit team met to discuss their views across the asset classes within our fixed income spectrum.

In this video commentary, Fraser Lundie, Head of Fixed Income – Public Markets, summarises why this forum, which provides an overarching framework for the group’s top-down, macro views within fixed income, is so central to our thinking. He also provides an outlook for the months ahead.

The end result of the MACSM meeting can be something of a North Star for us, right across the strategy spectrum.

Other highlights include:

  • Commentary: Bonds are based on information; equity on ideas.
  • Economic outlook: Orla Garvey, Senior Fixed Income Portfolio Manager, explains why the outlook for fixed income markets remains positive going into the second half of the year.
  • Financials: Following a spate of banking collapses, what’s next for Financials?
  • Intra-credit opportunities: Is this the calm before the storm?
  • And more…

360°, Q2 2023: Divergence, duration, dislocation

Archive: Previous editions of 360°

As fixed income markets evolve through the economic cycle, so too does our thinking. For a view on how the investment landscape has changed, read some of our reports from the past year below:

360°, Q2 2023: Divergence, duration, dislocation

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