Unsere Zielsetzung, unsere Kultur, unsere Geschichte
Vom ersten Tag an bis heute ist die langfristige, verantwortungsvolle Vermögensbildung unser einziges Ziel.
Langfristige Vermögensbildung durch verantwortungsvolles Investieren
Nutzung des Anlegerkapitals, um die Unternehmen von innen heraus zum Guten zu verändern
Shaping the conversation on responsible investing
Clive joined in June 2012 and is responsible for UK Distribution, including institutional, wholesale, consultant relations and global financial institutions. Clive previously worked at Man Investments, where he was responsible for distributing their hedge fund portfolios to a UK and European audience. Clive holds a BA (Hons) in Business Studies and German from the University of Sheffield.