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Equitorial, H1 2022

Investing in a net zero future

28 January 2022 |
Active ESG
During his speech at COP26 on 3 November 2021, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak declared the need to “rewire the entire global financial system for Net Zero”. To this end, he announced the UK’s intention to become the world’s first ‘Net Zero Aligned Financial Centre’.

As professionals, as voters and as private citizens, we are all responsible for helping to ensure a sustainable future. However, as investors we have a duty to align that role with another, equally important responsibility: delivering strong returns for our clients. To do that, it’s vital we, the Global Equities team, analyse and measure both how climate change risk can negatively affect investments and how the shift to a low carbon economy creates valuable investment opportunities. Armed with that information, we are then able to maximise returns for clients while managing and addressing potential climate impact effectively.

To find out more, read the latest Equitorial.

Investing in a net zero future


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