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Vom ersten Tag an bis heute ist die langfristige, verantwortungsvolle Vermögensbildung unser einziges Ziel.
Langfristige Vermögensbildung durch verantwortungsvolles Investieren
Nutzung des Anlegerkapitals, um die Unternehmen von innen heraus zum Guten zu verändern
Unsere Perspektive zu verantwortungsvollem Investieren
Desmond joined the Federated Hermes Infrastructure team in April 2018 (initially as a secondee from Deloitte) and is responsible for the ongoing monitoring of the infrastructure investment portfolio. Desmond has over 10 years of financial services experience across the energy and infrastructure sectors. Prior to joining Hermes Infrastructure, Desmond was an Assistant Director at Deloitte where he provided financial due diligence and advisory services to a range of large corporate and fund investors. Desmond holds a BA in Modern Languages from the University of Warwick and is a Chartered Accountant.