Unsere Zielsetzung, unsere Kultur, unsere Geschichte
Vom ersten Tag an bis heute ist die langfristige, verantwortungsvolle Vermögensbildung unser einziges Ziel.
Langfristige Vermögensbildung durch verantwortungsvolles Investieren
Nutzung des Anlegerkapitals, um die Unternehmen von innen heraus zum Guten zu verändern
Shaping the conversation on responsible investing
Emma Ledoux engages with companies across the UK, Australia, France, Switzerland and Spain, with a focus on the consumer goods & retail, pharmaceuticals, and technology sectors. She has thematic expertise in pollution, waste, and circular economy, as well as human rights. Prior to joining EOS, she worked as a research analyst on climate risk and financial services, and has additional research experience in transatlantic security and international environmental cooperation efforts. She holds a Bachelor in Politics and International Studies from Warwick university. During her bachelor, Emma focused on international security and the impact of natural resources on conflicts.