Unsere Zielsetzung, unsere Kultur, unsere Geschichte
Verantwortungsvolle Vermögensbildung als einziges Ziel
Aiming to deliver enduring wealth creation by investing responsibly
Sustainable Global Equity
Mit Anlegerkapital Unternehmen zum Guten verändern
Unsere Perspektive zu verantwortungsvollem Investieren
Dr Marcel Jeucken is a part-time strategic advisor for EOS and the Responsibility Office at Federated Hermes since November 2019. In combination with Federated Hermes colleagues, Marcel helps to translate regulatory and market developments into client investment policies and operations, including engagement, voting, screening, portfolio tools, and ESG integration. Marcel is Founder and Managing Director at SustFin. SustFin provides independent advice on finance and sustainability issues to financial institutions globally. Marcel Jeucken has 25 years’ experience in finance and sustainability, amongst others at Rabobank, Triodos Bank, Sustainalytics and PGGM. Marcel helped to grow and establish Sustainalytics from 2003-2006 and was Managing Director Responsible Investment at PGGM Investments from 2006-2017. At PGGM Investments Marcel Jeucken was amongst others a member of the Management Team, Investment Committee and Investment Policy Committee. Marcel was a delegate of the PRI Advisory Council from 2007-2014, Chair of the Stichting RI (Foundation for the PRI) till 2015, board member and Treasurer of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) from 2007-2018, board member and Vice Chair of Eumedion till 2018, and is a member of Sustainable Pensions Investments Lab (SPIL). Marcel holds a Ph.D. in economics on sustainability issues and the financial sector. He has written numerous papers and is author or editor of several books on sustainable finance.