Defenders of a threatened world

Indigenous Peoples are increasingly on the frontline of the climate crisis, and in recent years we have seen major flashpoints erupt between extractives companies and local communities. For example, Rio Tinto’s destruction of Aboriginal heritage sites at Juukan Gorge damaged the company’s social licence to operate while North American oil and gas pipelines have faced […]

Schöne neue Welt?

Seit der Veröffentlichung von ChatGPT im November 2022 beflügelt die KI die Phantasie der Menschen. KI hat zwar das Potenzial, die Produktivität von Unternehmen dramatisch zu steigern und viele Aspekte unseres täglichen Lebens zu verändern, aber sie birgt auch erhebliche Risiken. Mit der zunehmenden Verbreitung von generativen KI-Tools können die Tendenzen, die diese Tools mitunter […]


Im Laufe unserer Bemühungen zum Datenschutz und den Sicherheitsrichtlinien haben wir das Unternehmen dazu angehalten, die Schritte, die es zur Lösung der Probleme unternehmen will, klarer darzulegen und in seinen Quartalsberichten Informationen darüber zu geben, wie es den Datenschutz verbessert. Ferner haben wir unsere Bedenken zur Zwei-Klassen-Aktienstruktur und zur Vergütung der Führungskräfte geäußert und das […]

Public Engagement Report Q3 2023 

Fast reading A failure to protect Indigenous Peoples’ rights can expose a company to business, legal and reputational risks As generative AI tools proliferate, the biases they sometimes reflect may perpetuate stereotypes and stall progress towards greater equality The number of climate-related shareholder resolutions rose in developed Asia and emerging markets this voting season Indigenous […]

The Responsibility Office: Supporting sustainable wealth creation

At  Federated Hermes Limited, we believe the purpose of investment is to create wealth sustainably for investors over the long term. Sustainable wealth creation should provide investors with income to spend as they get older, an ability to buy goods and services, and help to build a world in which investors are happy to live. […]

The COP conundrum

We need only take a cursory check of global weather in recent months to remind ourselves of the consequences of climate change. Over the summer, record temperatures in parts of the US, in southern Europe and in China affected the lives of an estimated 110 million people who regularly experienced temperatures above 40°C. In May and […]

Spectrum Q3 2023: No robots were harmed in the making of this report

Red light

In a 1962 collection of short stories, sci-fi sage Arthur C Clarke postulated his third law, that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Now, as we push through the second decade of the 21st century and into a future seemingly set up for AI, Clarke’s law appears more apt than ever. Through the […]

Investor dissension mounts as temperatures rise

Shareholders continued to call for change at companies this year, bringing a raft of proposals in the US and Europe on collective bargaining rights, climate lobbying, child safety in the digital realm, animal welfare, racial equity and tax transparency. Executive compensation also came under scrutiny as the cost of living crisis continued. Meanwhile, as Europe […]

Japanese reforms ignite investor optimism

Japan street full of people

Shareholder activism has been on the rise in Japan over the last few years, as institutional investors have grown increasingly frustrated with some companies’ poor governance practices and the slow pace of change. High-profile scandals, such as that at Toshiba, have heightened the pressure on companies to be more responsive to shareholders. Now an update […]

A deadly harvest?

Synthetic pesticides, including herbicides and insecticides, are designed to kill insects, weeds, fungi or other pests, to protect crops, increase food production and reduce the risk of famine. However, the human health and environmental risks associated with particular chemical compounds have been well documented, perhaps most famously in Rachel Carson’s 1962 book, Silent Spring. Carson’s […]