Fund Selector Masterclass – Global Equities

Metal structure of the roof dome

Learning outcomes: Mega cap tech stocks: threat or opportunity for global investors Identifying and pricing innovation and sustainable companies The role of human capital in generating high returns to investors Fund Selector: Richard Rainback, EFG Speakers: Fred Mahon, Fund Manager, Human Capital Fund, Church House Mikhail Zverev, Fund Manager, Amati Global Innovation Fund, Amati Global […]

Today’s healthcare treatment, tomorrow’s healthcare innovation

Fast reading: The healthcare sector is set for continued expansion on the back of ongoing population growth, higher life expectancy, improved availability, continuing innovation and increased personal and institutional spending power. As well as benefiting from this structural growth, life sciences businesses such as contract development and manufacturing organisations (CDMOs) and healthcare equipment providers are […]

Sustainable Global Equity, 2023

Fast reading: Investment review, 2023 Engagement overview: 59 engagement objectives with 42 companies engaged Thematic focus: How life sciences are enabling today’s healthcare treatment – and tomorrow’s healthcare innovation Engagement case study: Lonza Group Engagement case study: Thermo Fisher Sustainable Global Equity, 2023 Download Archive: Please view previous reports below: Sustainable Global Equity, June 2022-23 […]

Meet the Manager: Henry Biddle

What’s your role at Federated Hermes? I’m a portfolio manager on the US Equity Strategy and on the Sustainable Global Equity Strategy. How did you get started in your career? I started off straight out of university, training as an accountant with Deloitte. I did that for four years, as I wanted a broad base […]

SDG Engagement High Yield Credit: 2023 Annual Report

Four full years of engaging

Climate Change High Yield Credit, Annual Report 2023

River bank and smoke in the background

Fast reading Thematic focus: How our Climate Change Impact (CCI) score has evolved over the years and how it seeks to track present and future progress by portfolio companies in reducing emissions. Performance and investment review: In a year where energy stocks were top dog how did portfolio returns hold up? The power of engagement: […]

Sustainable investing: More than meets the eye?

What does sustainable investing mean to you and how does it manifest itself in this strategy? In simple terms, sustainable investing is the consideration of social and environmental factors alongside financial return, such that the companies we invest in are in some small way contributing to a better future – from the products they produce, […]

Eine gerechte Klimawende

Buds in a pot

Ausblick 2024

Naturkapital: Der Ruf der Wildnis

Close-up of the veins in the leaf

Ausblick 2024

Erneuerbare Energien: Im Wind der Veränderung

Ausblick 2024