Unsere Zielsetzung, unsere Kultur, unsere Geschichte
Vom ersten Tag an bis heute ist die langfristige, verantwortungsvolle Vermögensbildung unser einziges Ziel.
Langfristige Vermögensbildung durch verantwortungsvolles Investieren
Nutzung des Anlegerkapitals, um die Unternehmen von innen heraus zum Guten zu verändern
Shaping the conversation on responsible investing
Debbie Cunningham is Chief Investment Officer of Global Liquidity Markets. She joined Federated Hermes in 1981 as a performance analyst and has more than 30 years of investment experience. Since 1990 she has been a portfolio manager for all government and prime liquidity products. In 1994 she took over the management of the taxable liquidity group. In addition to the domestic taxable liquidity portfolios, Debbie also oversees the management of the domestic tax-exempt liquidity portfolios, as well as the offshore liquidity products. She is a current member of the CFA Society of Pittsburgh and previously held the title of Director and President.