Unsere Zielsetzung, unsere Kultur, unsere Geschichte
Vom ersten Tag an bis heute ist die langfristige, verantwortungsvolle Vermögensbildung unser einziges Ziel.
Langfristige Vermögensbildung durch verantwortungsvolles Investieren
Nutzung des Anlegerkapitals, um die Unternehmen von innen heraus zum Guten zu verändern
Unsere Perspektive zu verantwortungsvollem Investieren
Ingrid has 25 years’ experience which spans asset management as well as Capital and Private Markets. As Head of Impact and Sustainable Investing, she is responsible for the construction and management of the portfolios within the strategy. She joined from PDM Capital where she was a principal and previously had spent a decade at Jupiter Asset Management as Fund Management Director where she co-managed Global Managed Fund and the flagship EMEA fund. She started her career at Lazard & Co as European equities analyst. Ingrid was included in Citywire’s first ever global compilation of the 1,000 top fund managers in the world. Ingrid is a Non-Executive Director of Fair4All Finance, founded with UK dormant asset money to create positive impact by promoting financial inclusion in UK. Ingrid holds a degree in Italian and Business Studies from University College London and is fluent in four languages.