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The red and the blue

Updates from the US, October 2020

27 October 2020 |
Active ESG
Join Clive Selman, Head of UK Distribution, and colleagues Phil Orlando, CFA, Senior Vice President, Chief Equity Market Strategist, Head of Client Portfolio Management and Steven Chiavarone, CFA, Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Equity Strategist in this animated conversation about the possible outcomes of the US elections.

How are investors preparing for the outcomes of the US elections? Can we see “red portfolios” and “blue portfolios”? Are markets still holding back amid the pandemic? These are a few of the questions the rest of the world is asking. In this webcast, Clive Selman, moderates a discussion with colleagues Phil Orlando and Steve Chiavarone to hear their thoughts on the US elections and the impact on 2020’s final quarter and beyond.

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